
Showing posts from 2018

Load Testing using Apache Bench - Post JSON API

Load test using Apache Bench We have been using Apache Bench to load test our rest microservices. One of the most useful situaiton while performing a load testing, is to change the number of concurrent requests parameter. Apache Bench is a simple tool which has helped us to do this quick testing to see whether our services break on huge load. How to Install Apache Bench on Ubuntu - 18.04 LTS In order to install Apache Bench all you have to do is: $ sudo apt install apache2-utils How to execute "ab" for POST API First create the JSON body to be posted, add that json data to a file with follwoing syntax: $ cat my_data.json json='{"queryType" : "groupBy","dataSource" : "pixel-feed","dimensions" : [], "granularity" : "all","filter" : {"type" : "selector","dimension" : "pixel_id","value" : "122112"},...