
Showing posts from 2020

PySpark - hash with MD5 and convert to upper case by converting to hex

This blog is a quick code snippet, which I thought of sharing!  So the below method/function is to ensure to convert a device id to MD5 version and before doing so, convert the data column to upper case and convert the value to hex and again upper case. Google's Ads Data Hub expects you to convert the data to the below format: UPPER(TO_HEX(MD5(UPPER(device_id)))) as device_id_md5 The below code helps us to achieve that in PySpark: from pyspark.sql.functions import md5, col, upper, hex from pyspark.context import SparkContext from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession sc = SparkContext('local') spark = SparkSession(sc) df = spark.createDataFrame( [ ["63c94c81-44e4-4e4d-bb26-b95648581a16"], ["c5628aa9-92de-4e7d-ac60-e35851e93f22"], ["eeb472cb-aa3a-44f1-818c-bcc069d57367"] ], ("col1") ) df.withColumn("col1", upper(hex(md5(upper(col('col1')))))).show() NOTE: The above device ids are dummy ones.

How to change bindIp for Mongo in MacOS Mojave

How to change bindIp for Mongo in MacOS Mojave A lot of times when you figure out that the local Mongo server you wanted to connect to was not getting connected from outside of your laptop or from the docker based application, it means you have to change the local bind IP address. To ensure that you can connect to the local servers, you have first to change the config file: /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf  systemLog:    destination: file    path: /usr/local/var/log/mongodb/mongo.log    logAppend: true  storage:    dbPath: /usr/local/var/mongodb  net:    bindIp: Change the bindIp from to Stop the service using:  brew services stop mongodb-community Start the service using:  brew services start mongodb-community